Moment Ukraine drones blow up ‘$3.5m’ Russian T-72 tank & terrorise Putin’s troops by raining BOMBS in hellhole Bakhmut

Moment Ukraine drones blow up ‘$3.5m’ Russian T-72 tank & terrorise Putin’s troops by raining BOMBS in hellhole Bakhmut

THIS is the dramatic moment a Ukrainian drone blew up a $3.5million Russian T-72 tank.

Ukraine has also been terrorising Putin’s troops by raining down bombs on Russian fighters trapped in the hellhole of Bakhmut.

The moment a Ukrainian drone fired at a Russian T-72 tank@Achilles92OSHBr/Newsflash

The tank was blown to pieces after the direct hit@Achilles92OSHBr/Newsflash

Aerial footage shows the powerful drones launching a series of calculated strikes on unsuspecting Russians during the “Meat Grinder” fighting in Bakhmut, directly on the frontlines.

Before they then unleash a savage attack on a Russian tank that leaves it battered and smoking after a huge explosion.

The video, shot from a Ukrainian drone, shows the direct hit making the pricey $3.5million tank almost worthless.

The images and footage came from the 92nd Separate Brigade on January 21, along with a powerful statement declaring the big victory for Ukraine.

It read: “Bakhmut: RUBpAK ‘ACHILLES’ destroyed an enemy tank and infantry.

“Calculation of Achilles – the shock BpAK company of the 92nd OSHBR named after the Kosh chieftain Ivan Sirko worked as a night bomber against the T-72B3 tank and enemy infantry groups.

“The cost of the destroyed T-72B3 tank is USD 3.5 million.”

Recently, one of Putin’s multi-million dollar T-80BVM tanks was also annihilated by a cheap Ukrainian UAV in Avdiivka in further humiliation for the Russian ruler.

Dramatic footage shows the drone tailing the tank before hitting it dead on, tearing it apart in a fiery mess.

It comes just days after one of Ukraine’s US Bradley armoured truck blitzed one of Putin’s most advanced tanks with ease.

The Russian T-90 tank was left battered and destroyed by Ukraine’s top military motor as the Bradley’s armour-piercing rounds and precise attacks left the T-90 smoking and ripped apart.

Before a barrage of constant attacks sent massive sparks flying into the air before a huge explosion left the tank spinning out of control.

Recently footage of another huge US Bradley taking on the Russians was seen and it had similar success.

A whopping three Russian BMP-2s were eliminated in devastating fashion as the US military grade armoured vehicle stormed onto the Ukrainian frontlines to save a brave troop of soldiers.

The UK’s Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, has said that Europe needs to “step up” and increase funding for Ukraine so that the country can continue to defend itself against Russian aggression.

Since the start of the war, Kyiv estimates that Moscow has lost over 6,000 tanks and 11,254 armoured combat vehicles.

Putin is also believed to have lost at least 340,000 troops, thousands of rocket systems, aircraft, ships, submarines and drones.

According to Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, this is Putin’s second greatest mistake.

He said: “If his first catastrophic mistake was invading Ukraine, he is now making his second calamitous blunder.

“The Russian economy is being twisted even more out of shape.

“Nearly 40 per cent of all Russian public expenditure is being spent on defence.

“That is more than the aggregate of health and education.

“And the last time we saw these levels was at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

He added: “This is disastrous for Russia and its people.”

Drones also rained down on Russian troops hiding in Bakhmut@Achilles92OSHBr/Newsflash

The footage came from the 92nd Separate Brigade@Achilles92OSHBr/Newsflash

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