Brit prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza jailed by Putin is RUSHED to hospital with mystery illness as lawyers denied access

Brit prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza jailed by Putin is RUSHED to hospital with mystery illness as lawyers denied access

A BRIT political prisoner in Russia has been rushed from solitary confinement to a jail hospital, his wife revealed.

Vladimir Kara-Murza, 42, is serving a 25-year prison sentence for “treason” in a hellhole Putin penal colony in Siberia.

East2WestVladimir Kara-Murza was jailed last year in a ‘show trial’[/caption]

AFPKara-Murza is escorted by Russian cops[/caption]

AFPKara-Murza appears via videolink from prison[/caption]

Kara-Murza pictured with his wife Evegenia and their children

His health is known to be frail after twice being poisoned by Russian secret services.

His wife Evgenia said that his lawyers were refused access to the opposition politician who has Russian and UK passports.

Kara-Murza – also a journalist – was jailed in April 2023  in a “show trial” for denouncing Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine and calling for Western sanctions. 

There are acute concerns that he will follow prominent opposition politician Alexei Navalny by dying in his Russian prison. 

Navalny, 47, was found dead in February amid suspicions he was murdered on Putin’s orders. 

Kara-Murza is known to suffer from a nerve condition called polyneuropathy after surviving the two poisoning attempts, and has repeatedly voiced concerns about his health in prison,  said his wife. 

She wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “[He] was transferred to a prison hospital. Lawyers were not allowed to visit.”

Kara-Murza has been held in solitary confinement for more than 280 days in a row, and has not been allowed to communicate with other prisoners – or his family. 

The cruel treatment in IK-6 maximum security penal colony in Omsk region is believed to be on Putin’s orders. 

The British citizen was moved to regional hospital No. 11 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

His lawyers were denied access to Kara-Murza on Friday, and told they would not be permitted to see him at the weekend. 

Another jailed opposition politician Ilya Yashin, 41, has previously warned that Kara-Murza’s life is in jeopardy. 

“The threat to his life is not only real, it is immense,” he said in February.

He was a close aide to murdered opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, – who was shot dead by a hit squad in Moscow in 2015 – and a vocal critic of Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine.

Dr Stepan Stepanenko, head of the Forward Strategy foreign policy think-tank, told The Sun that he believes he is Putin’s “nexttarget.

“Vladimir Kara-Murza is imprisoned on false charges, he is very ill and following Navalny, it is clear that he is next”

The father-of-three, who grew up and studied in Britain, suffers from a nerve disorder after two poisonings in 2015 and 2017 that he blames on the Kremlin.

“He may even die before he is murdered,” Stepanenko said. “Kara-Murza’s battle is not just against his captors but against time itself.

“Stricken with polyneuropathy, the grim reality is that he may never reunite with his family.”

The UK must step up to save him, he said. “We have a British national in Russian prison.”

Kara-Murza’s heartbroken wife, Evgenia, also spoke out earlier this year, telling the world that she fears her husband’s “life is in danger”.

She revealed she is terrified that he will meet the same fate Putin’s greatest foe Navalny, who Russia now claims died of “sudden death syndrome” and whose closely-guarded body was reportedly found covered in bruises.

“I have been afraid for my husband’s life since at least 2015, since that first call that I received about Vladimir collapsing in Moscow and going into [a] coma with multiple organ failure for no reason at all,” she told the BBC.

“I’ve been sleeping with my phone since, dreading yet another call of that sort.

“I believe that my husband’s life is in danger, as are the lives of many other political prisoners in Russian prisons.”

Evgenia said that Kara-Murza and other jailed dissidents that are suffering from “serious medical conditions” were being denied proper medical treatment “in order to make the state of their health deteriorate”.

She added that although she is afraid, she will always fight for her husband’s release.

“Continuing the fight is important, telling the stories of the people who are suffering from the regime is important.”

The former activist and journalist was sentenced to 25 years in April, 2023 by Putin’s cronies for spreading “false” information about Russia’s war in Ukraine.

He denied all the charges, comparing the case against him to a Stalinist show trial.

He was arrested only weeks after Russia’s full-scale invasion and just hours after CNN broadcast an interview with him in which he said Russia was run by “a regime of murderers”. 

In January, Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said he was “deeply concerned” over the fate of the dissident after he – similarly to Navalny in December – suddenly disappeared from his prison cell.

Evgenia later discovered he had been transferred to a new Siberian prison and immediately placed in a punishment block.

His only crime was not standing up in time when the guard commanded him to “rise” and he was slammed with a “malicious violation”, according to the letter he wrote to his lawyer.

The Cambridge graduate is now spending four months in painful solitary confinement.

More than 160 Russian citizens have been imprisoned for opposing the war, according to human rights group OVD-Info – however Kara-Murza’s sentence is the harshest so far.

A total of 19,854 Russians were arrested between February 24, 2022 and January 28, 2024 for speaking out or demonstrating against the invasion.

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