Horror moment bullfighter dubbed ‘world’s worst matador’ is gored by 3,000lb bull & thrown into air like rag doll

Horror moment bullfighter dubbed ‘world’s worst matador’ is gored by 3,000lb bull & thrown into air like rag doll

THIS is the horrifying moment a bullfighter was gored by a giant 3,000lb bull before being thrown into the air like a rag doll.

Horrific footage shows the furious beast charging at Andrés Roca Rey, 27, before striking its giant horn and tossing him out.

The Mega AgencyThe horror moment Andrés Roca Rey was gored by a raging bull[/caption]

MegaThe beast tossed him in the air like a doll before smashing him on the ground[/caption]

MegaAs the bull launched a second wave of attack it speared the matador’s uniform[/caption]

The Mega AgencyThe matador was been left with horror injuries and is now being treated in a hospital[/caption]

The Peruvian bullfighter was then seen flipping in the air as if performing a summersault before he came crashing down to the ground.

The bullfighter was then seen curling up into a ball and defending himself against the relentless blows.

As the bull launched a second wave of attack it speared the matador’s uniform and began throwing him around like a rag doll.

Bystanders rushed to save Roca Rey by trying to distract the angry animal using coloured sheets.

After receiving the much-needed help, a bruised-up Roca Rey was seen rising from the ground before he was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The matador has been injured in the gluteus and is undergoing surgery in the bullring’s medical centre, DailyMail reports.

But for Roca Rey, who has now been dubbed “world’s worst matador”, the horrific accident was not the first time he was gored by a rampaging bull.

Shocking footage from last year showed a 1,000lb bull charging at him before crushing him against the barriers and throwing him in the air.

The clip shows Roca Rey holding up a cape to the massive bull, named Viruta.

After taking a couple of steps towards the horned beast, it then starts hurtling towards him – running straight into him.

The mighty bull then tosses Roca Rey in the air before slamming him against the barrier as other men frantically rush over to help.

Roca Rey was left with injuries to his neck, face, right thigh and left knee – the worst of his eight-year career.

And in 2017, a bull’s horn left a four-inch hole in his left inner thigh.

He was also famously gored five times in his first five fights and has become a viral video sensation – but amazingly refuses to give up the controversial sport.

Roca Rey’s catalogue of injuries includes being battered unconscious and suffering amnesia, being gored in the buttock and groin, having two teeth knocked out when a bull stabbed him in the mouth, concussion and a shattered right cheekbone.

Bullfighting critic Antonio Lorca told The Telegraph: “He is like the Messi or Ronaldo of the bullfighting world.

“No one has such acclaim as him or can fill bullrings wherever he fights.”


Meanwhile, a raging bull bounced a teen on his horns and tossed him like a rag doll during a terrifying Spanish bull run attack.

The 19-year-old was gored by the massive beast in Castalla, Alicante, as he tried to outrun the furious animal.

Gruesome footage from the event shows a group of men sprinting down a narrow street as a raging bull charges towards them.

Then one teen in a black T-shirt can be seen slipping on the road while attempting to flee the bull, but shockingly doesn’t manage to get back onto his feet in time.

The moment he tries to get up, he is caught instantly on the bull’s razor-sharp horns and thrown around the dark street.

The huge animal repeatedly crushes the teen – not named in local media – against the terraced street walls before lifting him up with its horns again.

The teen is flipped up into the air as the bull bounces him on his horns several times before sending him hurtling towards the ground.

Screaming onlookers try to distract the raging bull as it drags the man across the floor, shoving him into the wall with its head.

Bullfighting controversy

WHILE Bullfighting events have been a common form of entertainment, many, activists and animal rights groups say it is a cruel sport that forces bulls to go through unnecessary suffering.

For the sporting event, giant bulls have to often go through a lot of stress before entering the ring – and are then deliberately provoked by flashing bright coloured capes to make them angry.

Many experts call bullfighting a form of animal torture, but others argue it is an important art form that has existed for many years.

While bullfighting is still popular in many countries, especially in Spain, it has been banned in others including Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Italy and the UK.

AFPBystanders rushed to save Roca Rey by trying to distract the angry animal using coloured sheets[/caption]

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