Why China’s ‘unstoppable’ £175billion military is now the biggest threat to world order – and the West can’t keep up

Why China’s ‘unstoppable’ £175billion military is now the biggest threat to world order – and the West can’t keep up

CHINA has crafted an unstoppable military under Xi Jinping’s ruthless dictatorship which poses the greatest threat to the world order, experts have warned.

As the West steels itself for global conflict, Europe is struggling to keep up with Beijing‘s formidable £175billion army and nuclear arsenal.

GettyChina has the world’s biggest army – with over two million active personnel[/caption]

APA PLA soldier during a military exercise[/caption]

And experts have warned The Sun that while Europe is focused on the raging war in Ukraine, China is ramping up its ability to unleash the full might of its forces on an unsuspecting West.

Xi Jinping, 70, an authoritarian tyrant, has ruled China for more than a decade with an iron fist and has long had his sights set on world domination.

Like his friend Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, Xi locks up those who criticise his regime and pours billions into the development of new weapons to scare off enemies.

British military think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) revealed this week that China’s defence budget was an incredible £175billion in 2023.

China’s military might

Xi’s army is the biggest in the world with more than two million active personnel.

China’s ground forces, navy, air force and hefty reserves make up the enormous figure – which is miles ahead of any other superpower army.

Even the US – second in place to China – has an army of around 1.3million active reserves.

China is rapidly expanding its military capabilities, including the development of new and innovative weapons

Professor Ashtok Swain, Uppsala University

China also boasts a terrifying nuclear arsenal – fast tracked in recent years as the global order has been rocked by more and more conflict.

It is believed that Xi could now have around 500 nuclear warheads, and more are on the way for future weapons of mass destruction.

While Russia and the US have more – over 5,000 each – experts fear that China’s ability to throw money into new developments behind the scene means the threat is somewhat hidden.

We can’t quantify what happens in a country that’s not very transparent. Our perception is that they might be ahead if they’re not already

Meia Nouwens, China expert at IISS

Meia Nouwens, China expert at the IISS, explained that the West will be looking at bolstering their war tech and weapons in the face of China’s impressive arsenal.

But there are fears among Western countries that we won’t be able to match China’s formidable resources.

She told The Sun that China is able to “throw lots of money” at testing and developing new weapons, all behind a curtain of secrecy.

This “has to some extent led to an insecurity in the West about our own capabilities to do so,” Meia said.

“We can’t quantify what happens in a country that’s not very transparent. 

“Our perception is that they might be ahead if they’re not already ahead, which makes us insecure to keep up and makes us feel like we need to figure things out quicker.”

China’s nuclear arsenal

A bombshell Pentagon report claimed last year that China was planning on doubling its terrifying nuclear arsenal in just six years – meaning it could have enough nukes to destroy the world 10 times over.

China also had a wide array of dubious allies including IranRussia and Saudi Arabia – meaning the expansion of its military and nuke stores could be bolstered by relationships with other ruthless dictators.

And Ashok Swain, professor of peace and security at Uppsala University, told The Sun that while China might have fewer nukes than the West or Russia, it is “developing more powerful nuclear bombs and modernising their delivery systems”.

“China is rapidly expanding its military capabilities, including the development of new and innovative weapons,” he warned.

The security analyst also told The Sun that while some countries in the West are working on ramping up their own military strength, the progress so far is “minimal” and aimed at Russia instead of China.

They’re not just developing new weapon systems. They’re deploying them and to some extent pioneering them

Robert Wall, IISS

He also explained that there is “considerable secrecy surrounding the capabilities of China’s nuclear arsenal”.

Robert Wall, an IISS security expert, warned The Sun that China’s weapons pose an even greater threat to the West than Russia – despite Putin’s bloodthirsty attempts to absorb Ukraine.

He warned: “China is modernising across really every domain, land, air and sea, and in some areas has really made great strides.”

Beijing, he explained, spent years catching up first with Russia and the US. Now, in some areas, they are fully caught up.

“They’re doing it in a very strategic way, in a very deliberate way. And they’re not just developing new weapon systems. They’re deploying them and to some extent pioneering them.”

China’s advanced energy weapons have the potential to incapacitate the West

Ashok Swain

Last year, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Vladimir Putin was “not even close” to how dangerous Xi is.

And Professor Swain warned of the threat China poses for conflict in space: “Within the next 10 to 15 years, China’s air power and space technology could potentially surpass American capabilities.

“China’s advanced energy weapons have the potential to incapacitate the West by destroying or damaging satellites.”

Taiwan threats & WW3

China’s lurking presence around Taiwan has ramped up in recent months, as Xi’s enormous army taunts the islands with invasion rehearsals.

Beijing considers the self-governing island its own domain – and has vowed to take Taiwan by force if need be.

Taiwan, however, insists it is an independent nation after splitting from mainland China in 1949.

Just weeks ago, Taiwan elected Lai Ching-te as it’s new president fracturing already tense relations between the countries.

Some experts believe China will use blockades to cut off the island from Western support until it gives in – others think Beijing may pour its forces onto Taiwan’s “red beaches”.

Security analysts at the IISS said this week that Beijing is ramping up flights into Taiwan’s air defence zone and military activities nearby – setting a precedent for potential action.

And the battle for Taiwan has strained relations between the US and China – further increasing it’s threat to the West and world order.

By US intelligence estimates, Xi has ordered China’s military to be ready to annex Taiwan by 2027 – the 100th anniversary of Chairman Chaos’ creation of the communist Red Army.

And General Sir Richard Barrons warned The Sun that there are fears that one “misunderstanding” could spark “uncontrolled escalation” – leading to all-out war between China, Taiwan and the US.

As the threat of China bubbles in the background, a constant simmering fear around a potential third world war hangs above the West.

One of it’s more volatile allies, Iran, is set to hold terrifying military drills with both China and Russia in a matter of weeks as a response to Nato’s war games.

Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, China’s Xi Jinping, and Russian dictator Putin have already been compared to the “Axis of Evil” from World War two.

With their combined nuclear power, formidable armies and hatred of Western life, the alliance poses a very real risk to the West.

AFPAnti-landing spikes on Taiwan’s frontline island of Little Kinmen[/caption]

ReutersXi Jinping is a bigger threat to the West now than Putin, experts have warned[/caption]

ReutersA Pentagon report claimed last year that China plans to double its nuclear arsenal in just six years[/caption]

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