Everyone can see the ladder but only those with a high IQ can find the odd object in this sports illusion in 10 seconds

Everyone can see the ladder but only those with a high IQ can find the odd object in this sports illusion in 10 seconds

YOU might have 20/20 vision and a high IQ if you can spot the odd object in this sports illusion.

Everyone can see the ladder but you must be a seasoned puzzler to solve this tricky challenge in just ten seconds.

jagranjosh/Bright SideCan you spot the odd one out?[/caption]

The latest illusion sports athletic gear and objects scattered all over the image.

But one thing doesn’t seem to fit the theme.

Can you find which one?

Not only do you need the sharpest of eyes and the strongest of minds, but you’ll also need to remain composed throughout.

That’s because you’re more likely to make mistakes if you try and rush it, so make sure to check every square inch of the image.

But you still have to race against the clock as you’re given seven seconds to complete the task.

And with so much pressure to deal with, you’re going to have to be quick-witted if you’re to stand any chance of succeeding.

Puzzles are a great way of training your brain and improving creative thinking.

It is also an important mental exercise that prolongs the lifespan of short-term memory.

Optical illusions benefits

RESEARCHERS have developed many tests that show how various brain regions react to optical illusions.

They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.

By giving your brain a little workout on a regular basis, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.

Studies have shown, people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration and attention.

Improved concentration and attention span, in turn, can help prevent cognitive decline in older age.

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at an optical illusion can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

This mind-bending puzzle might come off unassuming at first.

But take a closer look and you might discover more – the answer may be right in front of you but it can be easily missed.

Look into every nook and cranny of the image before you.

But don’t forget that the clock is ticking.

The sharp focus and attention of a master puzzler could be proved depending on how quickly you manage to solve the mystery.

In the meantime, check out other brain teasers to keep your mind in shape.

Try finding a lamp in this mind-bending optical illusion with a medieval villager.

Or, spot the hidden rabbit in this tricky brain teaser in just under eight seconds.

And prove you have the perfect eyesight if you can see the heart amongst the snails in only nine seconds.

Back to our puzzle – are you able to solve the mind-bending challenge?

If you didn’t see it, look again carefully.

If you succeed, then congratulations.

But if you’re still struggling, then the answers have been circled for you below.

jagranjosh/Bright SideThe odd object is tea cup[/caption]

Try to spot the hidden lamp in this picture

Were you able to spot the lamp?

Spot the hidden rabbit in this challenge

Were you able to spot the rabbit?

Hiding in plain sight amongst the snails is a sneaky heart

Were you able to spot the heart before time ran out?

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