Brit tourist stabbed during sex party in Thailand is out of hospital and carrying on with his holiday

Brit tourist stabbed during sex party in Thailand is out of hospital and carrying on with his holiday

A BRITISH tourist stabbed when a sex party turned violent is out of hospital — and carrying on with his holiday.

The 23-year-old was knifed in the back and another slashed as a fight broke out at their villa in Thailand.

A British tourist is out of hospital in Thailand after being knifed in the backViralPress

A friend said yesterday: “He’s out of hospital and doing fine.

“They have moved from Phuket to another island.

“Their view is that they were attacked and are now trying to forget it and get on with having a good time.”

Trouble flared when sex workers including ladyboys said they had not been paid and one grabbed a wallet.

Glasses were hurled around the property, causing £6,000 of damage.

Police have told the seven men not to speak to the Press as they investigate the bust-up at 4am on Thursday.

Neighbours filmed the incident which also sawd a naked sex worker bundled into the street.

The sex worker fled clutching a blade before one man hit them over the head with a bin.

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