Mysterious case of Vasile Gorgos who vanished 30 years ago only to reappear in same clothes & no memory of what happened

Mysterious case of Vasile Gorgos who vanished 30 years ago only to reappear in same clothes & no memory of what happened

A FARMER who mysteriously vanished three decades ago reappeared with no memory of what happened, wearing the same clothes and with a train ticket in his pocket from the day he disappeared.

Vasile Gorgos, now 95, returned to his home in the countryside of Eastern Romania claiming he had been “home” all this time.

Stirile ETVThe cattle farmer who mysteriously disappeared has mysteriously reappeared[/caption]

Stirile ETVAfter 30 years, he has finally been reunited with his family[/caption]

Stirile ETVWhere he’s been all these years remains unknown – and he was interviewed on Romanian TV[/caption]

Several chilling details about the cattle farmer‘s mysterious disappearance in 1991 remain unsolved.

Gorgos was known to regularly leave town for a handful of days to sell his cattle – only, this time, he didn’t return for 30 years.

After several days of no contact with Gorgos, his family became increasingly worried.

Although he frequently left town, he always stayed in contact, and usually returned – but this time he vanished.

They contacted the police and a search was carried out – to very little avail.

Days without information turned to weeks, to months, to years, and his family came to suspect that Gorgos had passed away.

Regular memorial services were held in memory of the beloved farmer during the three decades he was missing.

Until September 2021 when, just as mysteriously as he disappeared, Gorgos reappeared outside the gate of his farm.

But, his reappearance has brought more questions than it answered.

Witnesses reportedly claimed that Gorgos was left outside his gate by a car, alleging that the old man was confused and didn’t know where he was, but that he seemed well-kept.

Adding to the mystery, witnesses also claimed that the car sped away the second Gorgos was dropped off, and that they couldn’t remember the registration plate.

We ask him one thing, and he tells us another

Gorgos’ son

Gorgos has since reportedly undergone thorough medical checks, and doctors have concluded that the farmer is in good medical condition – barring some neurological problems.

Although doctors have said that this is perfectly normal for a man of his age, the shortfalls of his memory surround the 30-year period in which he had vanished.

According to reports, Gorgos was able to recall that he was born in 1928, that his wife had died, and that he was the son of a famous merchant.

But, he struggled to recognise his son and daughter.

Gorgos’ son, who also initially didn’t recognise his father, told local media that he still doesn’t understand what happened all those years ago.

He said: “We don’t understand him. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.

“He talks to us about the period when he was involved in raising and selling cows. We ask him one thing, and he tells us another.

“Who knows where he has been, who kept him, maybe he was forced to work… who knows what kind of life he led?”

Bewilderingly, all that Gorgos seems to remember of his life is his family, his house, and his work as a cattle farmer three decades ago.

He stated adamantly that he has been at home all these years.

Gorgos’ family were left with only a few clues to go on, the fact he returned wearing the same clothes he disappeared in, and the items in his pocket.

In one pocket, they found his ID card, and in the other was a single train ticket along the Bacău-Ploieşti line from the day he vanished.

Who knows where he has been, who kept him, maybe he was forced to work

Gorgos’ son

The family have been pleading with anyone who might have information about the last 30 years of Gorgos’ life to come forward.

Their pleas, however, have been met with some conspiracy theories.

Criminal conviction

One of the most prominent theories regarding what happened to Gorgos is the belief that he was arrested.

Many people have argued that Gorgos was leading a double life and that he had a different identity that was caught up in crime.

The theory suggests that Gorgos had changed his name and attempted to run from his past, but it eventually caught up with him.

This, theorists suggest, would explain why he was wearing the same clothes he was last seen in, and why his family couldn’t find a trace of him when he vanished.

Mental health

A handful of psychiatrists have argued that Gorgos might have dissociative personality disorder.

This disorder involves having two different personalities, and these psychiatrists suggest that this may have led to Gorgos leading another life for those three decades.

However, the disorder tends to only be sporadic and it’s unlikely that it could last for decades.

Meanwhile, others have suggested that Gorgos was unhappy as a farmer and that he abandoned his family for a new life.

These theorists have argued that he was forced to return when his health declined.


Others have theorised that Gorgos was kidnapped and forced to work as a labourer.

They claim that he may have been returned to his family because his ill health meant he became useless as a labourer.

While a select few have gone as far as to claim that the cattle farmer was abducted by aliens, or had experiments performed on him by the government.

The mysterious case of Gorgos’ disappearance and reappearance remains unanswered, although his family remain hopeful. Gorgos went missing in 1991 after going on a business trip to sell cattle[/caption], upon his return, Gorgos claimed he has been “home” all this time[/caption]

Stirile ETVGorgos’ son told reporters he can’t get a straight answer out of his father[/caption]

Medical examiners have maintained that Gorgos is in good health

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