Everyone can see the old man but you need a top IQ to spot the other eight faces in the illusion in ten seconds

Everyone can see the old man but you need a top IQ to spot the other eight faces in the illusion in ten seconds

THIS baffling brainteaser has stumped even the most avid of puzzle fans.

Everyone can see the old man, but you need the IQ of a genius to find the other eight faces hiding somewhere in this image.

The Minds JournalCan you find all nine faces in this image?[/caption]

Yes, there really are eight other faces in there.

For those puzzle-heads among you, there’s an added catch: you have to try and find all eight faces within ten seconds.

So, grab a timer, set it to ten seconds, and prove your puzzle-solving skills.

Although it may seem like an ordinary image, this is no easy feat and 99 per cent of people give up.

Optical illusions are purposefully designed to trick our vision, and can be used as simple determiners of intelligence.

Optical illusions benefits

RESEARCHERS have developed many tests that show how various brain regions react to optical illusions.

They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.

By giving your brain a little workout on a regular basis, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.

Studies have shown, people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration and attention.

Improved concentration and attention span, in turn, can help prevent cognitive decline in older age.

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at an optical illusion can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

This brainteaser has been made particularly difficult through the impressive shading and colour in the background of the image.

The artistic detailing that has gone into this illusion offers the perfect camouflage for the objects, as your eyes find it hard to focus on any one object.

After the National Institute of Environmental Science posted the illusion on their website, the image has attracted a great deal of attention.

One commenter said: “I found five people (and one dog).”

While another added: “Does the dog count? hehe.”

Have you managed to find all eight of the images yet?

If you’d like some help, try breaking the image down into several sections. Then search each section slowly, one at a time.

Or, if you found this puzzle too easy, why not try some of our other brain teasers?

Test your vision by trying to spot both of the animals in the world’s oldest optical illusion.

Only the top 1 per cent can find both within seven seconds.

Or test your IQ by trying to find all five differences between these two seemingly identical images.

This illusion is created to test your observational skills.

We’ve also added three more optical illusions below for you.

And if you weren’t able to find all of the faces in the harshly allocated time of ten seconds, don’t worry, we have the answers for you.

The Minds JournalLet’s start with some of the more obvious faces along the arches[/caption]

The Minds JournalWere you able to spot these faces?[/caption]

The Minds JournalThere were two more faces on this side of the arch[/caption]

The Minds JournalAnd in between those faces was another one![/caption]

The Minds JournalThat one was really hard[/caption]

FacebookCan you spot the shark hiding somewhere in the sea?[/caption]

FacebookWere you able to find it within 11 seconds?[/caption]

ShutterstockCan you find the bear and the apple in this image?[/caption]

Finding that apple was hard – nice work

Can you spot the odd one out in just ten seconds?jagranjosh/Bright Side

Did you spot the teacup?jagranjosh/Bright Side

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