You’ve got 20/20 vision & a high IQ if you can spot the odd number in this image in less than 9 seconds

You’ve got 20/20 vision & a high IQ if you can spot the odd number in this image in less than 9 seconds

AN ODD number lies within this image and you’ve got 20/20 vision and a high IQ if you can spot it – but you have a nine-second deadline.

The picture presents the number 85 over and over, with one different number camouflaged in there.

You have three seconds to spot the odd number

If you spotted 35 in the time limit, you have strong eyesight

That number is 35, four rows down in the column fifth from the right.

If you managed to spot it within seconds it is a sign of sharp eyesight, according to the Times of India.

It’s also indicative of a witty personality and strong observational skill.

Many believe cracking the code to illusions comes thanks to brain power.

But recent research suggests success is more closely linked with the eyes.

A University of Exeter study in 2023 sought to debunk the notion that psychological process played such a pivotal role.

Spotting solutions is more about how the eyes and neurons work, researchers found.

Sensory evolution expert and author of the paper Dr Jolyon Troscianko said: “Our eyes send messages to the brain by making neurons fire faster or slower.

“However, there’s a limit to how quickly they can fire, and previous research hasn’t considered how the limit might affect the ways we see colour.”

The neurons connecting eyes to the brain can only handle colour contrasts on a ratio of about 10 to 1, Dr Troscianko said.

Bigger contrasts can be seen when neurons combine, but the information into the brain becomes “compressed” – resulting in the illusion.

Another illusion recently testing puzzle-solvers was a ring hidden among seashells.

Those taking on this one have 24 seconds to spot it.

A hint is to look for a silver and shiny object.

A hidden ring lies within this pile of sea shells

This was a test for those only with laser-like vision

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