Israel on high alert for ‘revenge attacks’ as Iran blames them for bombing that killed 100 & Hezbollah vows ‘punishment’

Israel on high alert for ‘revenge attacks’ as Iran blames them for bombing that killed 100 & Hezbollah vows ‘punishment’

ISRAEL is on high alert from revenge attacks after Iran and Hezbollah both vowed to get revenge for recent attacks across the Middle East.

Iran vowed to “hunt down terrorists” as they blamed Israel for killing 103 people in a double bombing that ripped through a memorial parade.

Iran blamed Israel for a bombing at a memorial parade that killed 103 people

EPAAn attack in Lebanon caused Hezbollah to declare those responsible would be met with a ‘severe reaction’[/caption]

A day earlier, more attacks in Lebanon saw top Hamas chief Saleh al-Arouri and Hezbollah leader Hussein Yazbek eliminated in separate drone strikes.

Hezbollah declared those responsible would be met with a “severe reaction”.

All the strikes haven’t been claimed by Israel but many believe Iran and Hezbollah are plotting their revenge in the coming days.

Iran have made it clear the bombing at the memorial parade for Qassem Soleimani will be met with a strong response.

Iran’s Head of Judiciary, Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, released a statement saying: “The agents and perpetrators of this grievous crime will undoubtedly be punished.

“Responsible intelligence, security and law enforcement agencies are obligated to promptly pursue all the evidence and perpetrators and hand them over to the judiciary”.

Reports from state media quoted a local official in Kerman saying, “the blasts were caused by terrorist attacks”, as president Ebrahim Raisi condemned the “heinous” crime.

Iran’s political deputy, Mohammad Jamshidi, blamed the parade bombings in Iran on both the US and Israel.

In a post on X, Jamshidi said: “Washington says USA and Israel had no role in terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran. Really? A fox smells its own lair first.

“Make no mistake. The responsibility for this crime lies with the US and Zionist regimes (Israel) and terrorism is just a tool.”

The US denied any suggestion that they were involved in the bombing and also said they had “no reason to believe that Israel was involved”.

Iran and Israel have been battling against each other ever since Iran declared their loyalty to Hamas.

The pair have long been working together including Iran funding operations and providing intelligence to the terrorist group for decades, according to reports.

Hamas also has strong links with Hezbollah – a Lebanese terrorist group seen as one of the most deadly and formidable in the world.

The other huge attack this week being blamed on Israel saw Hamas mastermind Arouri killed in a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon.

Many feared this could potentially escalate the war well beyond the Gaza strip because of the strong ties.

In a televised speech in August, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel against carrying out any assassinations on Lebanese soil, vowing a “severe reaction”.

Lebanon’s government official Abdallah Bou Habib said it would become clear soon if Hezbollah are planning to respond as he voiced his concerns over a potential deadlier war breaking out.

“We are very concerned. (The) Lebanese don’t want to be dragged, even Hezbollah does not want to be dragged into a regional war,” he said. 

Iran were also very vocal of their anger over the brutal airstrike condemning the killing of Arouri by “the aggressive Zionist regime”.

Iran, which sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah, also made their stance clear saying the assassination would only make Hamas stronger.

Nasser Kanaani, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, said the attack would only “ignite another surge in the veins of resistance and the motivation to fight”.

These attacks have caused panic across the world as governments and organisations fear they could set off a chain of reactions.

A spokesperson for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon voiced deep concerns over a possible escalation of violence after the killing of Arouri.

Kandice Ardiel said her organisation is worried about the “devastating consequences” a response from Hezbollah could have for the people of Israel and Lebanon. 

She added: “We continue to implore all parties to cease their fire, and any interlocutors with influence to urge restraint.”

As French president Emmanuel Macron told Israel to try all they can to avoid the war escalating outside of Gaza and spilling across the Middle East. 

Macron told Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz that Israel should stop any escalation “particularly in Lebanon”, in a statement, according to reports.

APIran vowed to ‘hunt down terrorists’ who caused the ‘heinous’ attacks as Israel has been left on high alert over revenge attacks[/caption]

The killing of Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut was met with panic across the world as many fear it could spark revenge from HezbollahEPA

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