I left my work for job no one wants – even apprentices can earn over £50,000 year and no experience is needed

I left my work for job no one wants – even apprentices can earn over £50,000 year and no experience is needed

A SAVVY labourer has revealed how he managed to work less and earn more after changing where he worked.

Thepommyminer as he is known on TikTok explained to his viewers the benefits of working in the mines.

TikTok/thepommyminerThepommyminer claims he makes $60,000 more in mining than he did in construction[/caption]

The Tiktoker says he left his job to work in the mines

The miner broke down the hours he used to work when in construction compared to now in the mines.

He said: “When I worked in the construction industry, I worked Monday to Friday ten hours a day and I also actually worked every Saturday.”

In the video, he calculated that he worked for 3024 hours in a year and in his best year earned a total of $104,000 when working in construction.

The minor explained: “People always come at me and say when you’re in the mines – the hours you work are ridiculous – you work 12 hours a day, 14 days straight.

“You work way more hours than we do in construction.”

He adds: “That’s why I really want to figure it out.

“What I’m about to tell you is absolutely going to shock you guys to death.”

Mining shifts work differently from other labouring jobs and usually require workers to live on-site for an extended period.

In Thepommyminer’s case, his schedule to start with was “two weeks on – two weeks off”.

This meant he would work 91-hour weeks but only for 24 weeks a year as opposed to the 48 weeks he worked when he was still in construction.

In total, as a miner, he worked 2184 hours per year and made $112,000.

He said: “I was on salary on my 2 and 2 and that was a $112,000.

“So I’m actually working 900 hours less and that is including travel, including annual leave on both construction back home and in the mines – and I’m earning 8,000 more.”

Currently, Thepommyminer makes around $170,000 after he changed his shift pattern to two weeks on and one week off.

He works for a total of 2688 hours per year which is still 336 hours less than when he worked in construction.

He told his viewers: “When people want to come at you and say you work more hours that’s why you get paid more.

“Actually, I work less hours and I get paid more.”

Thepommyminer also explained although, for two weeks at a time, you are away from home and family – you are spending less time working than you would in construction.

The miner’s video seems to have inspired other workers to leap into the industry.

One user wrote: “Want to work in the mines myself in Perth but don’t know where to start applying – from Ireland.”

Another commented: “I’m looking at trying to get into the mines.

“I’m currently living in the UK but will be returning to Oz this year could I apply from the UK before I go?”

And Russ said: “Facts bro – I work in Melbs.

“One job was 90mins each way for 4 months – on-site 6:30-45am for 7am start, 10 hour day, home at 6:30pm.

“That’s 5:15am to 6:30pm, 6 days a week – paid 9.5hrs a day of that.”

Thepommyminer replied with: “Brother!! You’re too good for that mate.

“Get in the mines lad.”

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