Jeffrey Epstein kept secret sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton, unsealed docs claim

Jeffrey Epstein kept secret sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton, unsealed docs claim

PRINCE Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton were all secretly filmed having sex by Jeffrey Epstein, according to the latest batch of unsealed court docs.

One of Epstein’s victims, Sarah Ransome, claims in the newly unsealed documents that the disgraced financier would film her “friend” having sex with each of the high-profile men.

AFPPrince Andrew with Virginia Guiffre and Ghislaine Maxwell[/caption]

Getty – ContributorTrump with Melania, Epstein and Maxwell at a party[/caption]

Former president Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein

AFPSarah Ransome, one of Epstein’s victims, at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial in 2021[/caption]

Sir Richard Branson, who is named in the papersGetty

Jeffrey Epstein’s New York residenceGetty Images – Getty

Ransome added that “Epstein was not seen in any of the footage,” as “he was clever like that!”

She alleges in the shocking papers that former president Donald Trump had sex with “many girls”, including one of her friends.

The friend, whose age is not given, allegedly managed to get hold of copies of the tapes.

Exhibit A, page four, details a series of emails sent to columnist Maureen Callahan in 2016 before they were filed under seal with the court.

In them Ransome lays out the bombshell claims about the alleged filming that took place in Epstein’s New York mansion, and which she later recanted.

“When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffery.

“Thank God she managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly identify the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her.

“Frustratingly enough Epstein was not seen in any of the footage but he was clever like that!

She went on: “After two hours of trying to convince my friend to come forward with me, I eventually managed to persuade her to send me some of the video footage which she kept, implicating all three all men mentioned above.

“I personally can confirm that I have, with my own two eyes, seen the evidence of these sexual acts, which clearly identifies Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Richard Branson having sexual intercourse with my friend.

“I will be more then willing to swear under oath and testify in court
over these sex tapes.

“It will break your heart into a million tiny pieces Maureen when you watch this footage, and I know that what I watched yesterday, will haunt me for the rest of my life!”

Ransome then claimed to have copies of the footage but said she would not share them without the friend’s consent.

She writes: “I have backed up the footage on several USB sticks and have securely sent them to various different locations throughout Europe.”

And later she says of one of her unnamed friends: “She confided in me about her casual ‘friendship’ with Donald”.

One of Ransome’s emails goes into more detail about former US president Trump.

She details some of alleged his lurid sexual tastes in significant detail, apparently learning them from a friend who had sex with him.

Andrew and Clinton have always denied any allegations of wrongdoing and in a new statement and Branson dubbed the newly seen claims as “baseless”.

Trump, who has not been accused of anything until now in the unsealed court documents, has not yet responded to the fresh allegations.

In a bizarre development, Ransome claims to have sent copies of the footage around Europe as a sort of insurance policy.

“I have backed up the footage on several USB sticks and have securely sent them to various different locations throughout Europe with only one other person close to me, knowing where their locations are, just in case anything happens to me before the footage is released.”

The court files then include emails sent from Ransome to Callahan, apparently retracting her claims on October 23, 2016.

In one email she writes: “I want to walk away from this…I shouldn’t have contacted you and I’m sorry I wasted your time.

“It’s not worth coming forward and I will never be heard anyhow and only bad things will happen as a consequence of me going public.

“This will just create pain for my family and I and they have already helped me pick up the pieces once before. I can’t ask them to do that again.”

They were presented by lawyers for Alan Dershowitz in a bid to show that she was “not credible” as a witness.

The newly seen exhibit also contained pictures of Epstein’s “Paedo Island” and claims that Google founder Sergey Brin had visited with his fiancée Anne Wojcicki.

It comes as over 1000 pages of bombshell court documents including emails, depositions and legal papers spanning the 2010s were made public by a US judge last week.

The files were part of a 2015 lawsuit filed by Virginia Roberts Giuffre against Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell.

Previous court docs have revealed major allegations against the billionaire financier’s pals, including Prince Andrew.

Details of the lurid sex allegations made against convicted paedophile Epstein and Maxwell are frequent, as are shocking claims about Andrew.

They include his alleged involvement in an “underage orgy” while staying on Epstein’s private island and a claim that he groped a woman’s breast with a puppet while she sat in his lap like “Santa”.

And they claim an unnamed Jane Doe – understood to be his widely known accuser Virginia Giuffre – was “forced” by convicted sex offender Epstein to “have sexual relations” with the Duke.

Bill ClintonMichael JacksonStephen Hawking and Donald Trump are among the many high-profile figures also named in the documents, which include previous testimony by Maxwell and Giuffre.

The files shed further light on how Epstein would rub shoulders with the rich and famous – openly bragging about celebs he would claim to know.

In a statement on Monday, Branson said: “In a New Yorker report published in 2019, Ransome admitted that she had ‘invented’ the tapes.

“We can confirm that Sarah Ransome’s claims are baseless and unfounded.”

Andrew and Epstein in New York

Emails in the court docs show claims of sordid sex tapes

Epstein’s victim Ransome, who claims she has seen the tapes, then retracts her statement

The emails were included by lawyers suggesting Ransome’s testimony was unreliable

Planet PhotosSarah Ransome, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, whose emails feature in the new files[/caption]

AlamyVictims of Jeffrey Epstein, from left, Sarah Ransome, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, and Marijke Chartouni[/caption]

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