‘Flying felon’ Deobra Redden who leapt over desk to attack judge returns to court in chilling Hannibal Lecter-style mask

‘Flying felon’ Deobra Redden who leapt over desk to attack judge returns to court in chilling Hannibal Lecter-style mask

THE man who launched himself at a judge during his trial has been sentenced by the same judge to up to four years in prison.

This time, Deobra Delone Redden, 30, stood in court accompanied by a group of jail officers and was forced to wear shackles, a mask on his face and orange mitts on his hands.

APRedden was sentenced to 19-48 months in prison in connection with a baseball attack last year[/caption]

Deobra Redden, 30, was captured on video launching himself at a judge

In the latest hearing which only lasted a few minutes, Holthus said: “For purposes of the record, I want to make it clear that I am not changing or modifying the sentence I was in the process of imposing last week before I was interrupted by defendant’s actions.”

Judge Mary Kay Holthus, 62, sentenced Redden to 19-48 months in prison and imposed a few hundred dollars in administrative fees.

Redden will be on trial again to face charges in connection to the attack on Judge Holthus – but before a different judge.

Redden lept over the court bench and grabbed Holthus before getting into a brawl with Clark County District Court officials on 3 January.

In the viral video, Redden could be heard saying, “Nah, f*** that, b****”, before attacking her.

Holthus, 62, had her hair pulled and her head slammed against the wall.

She received minor injuries and after receiving medical treatment she returned to work the next day.

Holthus had denied Redden bail in connection with a baseball attack last year.

Redden had begged the judge not to send him to prison and claimed he was a “person who never stops trying to do the right thing no matter how hard it is”.

At the time of the attack, he had not been handcuffed because he’d been released from custody while awaiting sentencing.

Courtroom clerk Michael Lasso was praised for his decisive action in pulling Redded off Judge Holthus and “probably kept her from having more severe injuries”, said court chief judge Jerry Wiese.

Mr Lasso was treated for cuts on his hands and a courtroom marshal was hospitalised with a dislocated shoulder and suffered a bleeding gash on his forehead.

APMoments before Redden attacked a judge[/caption]

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