Two children arrested after their dead mum, 48, is found gagged in car boot in family garage by cops

Two children arrested after their dead mum, 48, is found gagged in car boot in family garage by cops

TWO kids have been arrested in northern Spain after their mum’s body was found gagged in the boot of their car.

Police this morning launched a murder probe into the death of the woman, only named as Silvia LG, 48.

SolarpixThe mother’s body was found in a garage close to the family’s home[/caption]

SolarpixOne of the siblings is under 14 – below the age of criminal responsibility in Spain[/caption]

Police discovered the mum’s body in a car boot in a garage near to the family’s home in Castro Urdiales, a town close to Santander, around 9pm last night.

The cops realised her two boys – one under the age of 14 – were missing and began a search.

Local police and the Civil Guard set up roadblocks overnight to locate the pair.

They were found and arrested in Cotolino Park at around 2.15am today.

The age of the youngest boy means he is below the age of criminal responsibility under Spanish law.

However, a regional government spokesman said this morning his older brother was suspected of killing their mum.

Detectives are yet to make any official comment but are expected to do so later today.

Castro Urdiales mayoress Susana Herran said this morning: “Our feeling is one of absolute sadness. It’s awful that things like this happen.”

She also revealed the boys’ father was working when the alleged homicide occurred.

The younger of the two boys is currently with youth prosecutors.

The older child, who is also being described as a minor but whose age has not yet been made public, is understood to be in custody at a Civil Guard station in Castro Urdiales.

In the same coastal town in September 2019, a woman was arrested after her husband’s rotting, decapitated head was found in a box she had given a neighbour to look after.

Carmen Merino, 64, had claimed the box contained sex toys she didn’t want police to find if they searched her house in connection with the disappearance of her partner of seven years, Jesus María Baranda, 67.

She was sentenced to 15 years in December 2022 after being convicted of killing the retired bank worker.

SolarpixBystanders and police gather close to the crime scene at a garage in Castro Urdiales[/caption]

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