I feared having my body paraded around Gaza to be raped by monsters, says kidnap survivor in most painful testimony yet

I feared having my body paraded around Gaza to be raped by monsters, says kidnap survivor in most painful testimony yet

A LAWYER who was dragged into captivity by Hamas brutes feared she would be hauled through the streets of Gaza and raped by terrorists.

Amit Soussana, 40, was taken hostage during the October 7 bloodbath and chained up for three weeks in a dark room.

TwitterAmit Soussana has opened up about her time as a Hamas hostage in a new documentary[/caption]

TwitterFootage shows her being dragged off by a group of Hamas militants on October 7[/caption]

Brave Amit was released after 55 days of hell – and has since revealed the horrors she endured.

Harrowing footage showed the Israeli lawyer desperately trying to fight off a group of Hamas monsters.

She had been hiding in a safe room in her home for three hours when she was found by the terrorists and taken over the border to Gaza as a hostage.

In a new documentary, Screams Before Silence, she revealed how she was terrified she would paraded through the streets.

Amit said: “There were ten men around me.

“The feeling that they’re taking me like I’m some kind of object, I couldn’t stand it. My instinct was just to fight, and to do what I can.

“I was really scared that they were going to rape me there, and that they were going to drag me through Gaza streets and parade my body around.

“I feared that more than being killed.”

As well as being cruelly beaten while in captivity, Amit was also subject to shocking sexual abuse.

She told how she was chained up in a room for three weeks – watched over by a guard.

Amit said: “I was kept in a really dark room without being able to move.

“Whenever I needed to go and use the bathroom I needed to ask for permission.

“His name was Muhammad. He used to sit on the bed in front of me wearing his shorts.

“Lying down I remember I couldn’t look at him – I was just looking away and covering myself with a blanket so I wouldn’t have to look at him. It made me feel really uncomfortable.”

Amit said the vile guard repeatedly questioned her and forced her to shower after her menstrual cycle.

She added: “One day Muhammad came and gave me women’s sanitary pads.

“He said ‘when you get your period, after that, you will take a shower, and you’ll wash your clothes’. And he kept repeating that a couple of times a day.

“Then I got my period, and the period was just for one day, but I fooled him to think that the period was continuing, until I could not lie anymore”

Amit previously opened up about the horrific treatment she suffered at the hands of the guard.

AL JAZEERA/UNPIXSAmit was eventually released after 55 days in captivity back in November[/caption]

GettyAmit Soussana (r) is consoled by a friend near her house in January[/caption]

She recalled how Muhammad pointed his gun at her and “forced me to commit a sexual act on him” in a child’s bedroom.

The lawyer said she was chained by her left ankle her for the majority of her time as a hostage.

Hamas has repeatedly denied that its members committed acts of sexual abuse towards prisoners or victims during the October 7 attacks.

But a United Nations (UN) report released earlier month stated there is “clear and convincing information” that some hostages had suffered sexual violence.

The report adds that there are “reasonable grounds” that some people were sexually assaulted during the raid.

After 55 days of emotional and physical abuse, Amit was finally released during a ceasefire on November 30 alongside Mia Schem, 21, who was kidnapped from the Supernova music festival on October 7.

Within 24 hours of being freed from captivity, she reported the alleged assault to two doctors and a social worker.

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