I saw how determined Israeli troops are training for urban warfare in mock-Hamas hideout

I saw how determined Israeli troops are training for urban warfare in mock-Hamas hideout

TWO more Hamas hostages were released earlier tonight — as hopes rose that as many as 50 could join them.

Nurit Yitzhak, 79, and Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, were set free for “humanitarian and poor health grounds”, in response to a Qatari-Egyptian mediation, according to a spokesman.

The Nahal Infantry brigade taking part in live firing exercises at their secret desert base 20 miles from GazaDoug Seeburg – The Sun

Meanwhile, captives with dual citizenship were said to have been earmarked for release after Qatar was said to have brokered another deal.

They could include some of seven Britons believed to be held.

Israel has held off its ground offensive as talks continued after the release of an American-Israeli mother and daughter last Friday.

And a New York Times report said: “A senior Israeli military official said that based on conversations between the United States and Qatar, Hamas could possibly release about 50 dual nationals separate from any broader deal.”

It emerged yesterday that Israeli forces steeling themselves for an assault on Gaza have built a replica village to hone their urban fighting skills.

Commanders ordered scores of mock dwellings to be erected near the Hamas stronghold and work was completed in five days.

The Sun was today granted exclusive access to a live-firing exercise.

Myself and photographer Doug Seeburg were escorted to the site where scores of wooden buildings teemed with troops blazing away with hi-tech Tavor assault rifles.

Israeli Defence Forces troops as young as 18 told us of their fears and determination as they prepared for action.

Hand-picked specialist groups from the IDF’s Nahal Brigade face the most daunting task of storming into densely-packed neighbourhoods infested with heavily-armed terrorists.

One soldier, in his early 20s and toting an Israeli-built Negev machine gun, was among around 50 we watched attacking a mock-Hamas hideout.

The English-speaking infantryman said: “We’re a band of brothers and share the same aim in a battle we must win — but we all know that some of us won’t be coming back.”

Lt Col Mati Shevach, 37, masterminded the building of the fake city.

He said: “Five days ago this wasn’t here. But it needed to be built to prepare us for the fight to come.

“Learning how to take the fight to the enemy in urban areas is a vital part of our mission.”

The Nahal Infantry brigade practicing room clearances in a special recently built facilityDoug Seeburg – The Sun

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