11 Ways To Stretch Your Renovation Budget

11 Ways To Stretch Your Renovation Budget

Planning a home renovation is an exciting step that can be worth your while when done right. You may have envisioned an epic home renovation to give your house a fresh vibe and boost its value. But renovations can also be financially draining. The good news is that you can use a few tips to stretch your budget and make your money work for you during the entire project. From setting your priorities straight to scoring budget-friendly materials and repurposing your existing items, this article will guide you to revamp your space without sending your bank account into a tailspin.

1. Be choosy about where to splurge and where to save

When you’re trying to get the most bang for your buck, it’s time to get selective. That involves focusing on the areas of your home that truly deserve that extra TLC, like the kitchen, foyer, and the main bathroom, where you spend most of your time. You can go all out with fancy stuff like marble countertops in the kitchen since it’s where the magic happens. But you can dial it back with more budget-friendly options for other spaces, like the kids’ or guest bathroom. It’s all about mixing high-cost items where they matter most and saving some cash in the less obvious areas.

2. Craft a renovation budget that works for you

Setting that all-important budget is the foundation of your renovation adventure. First, take a good look at your finances. Sit down, crunch those numbers, and figure out what you can comfortably swing for your project. That means checking out your savings, sniffing for potential loans or refinancing options, and preparing for life’s curveballs. Don’t just pull numbers out of thin air, as that’s not prudent. Do some homework and find out what similar projects in your neck of the woods usually cost. The key is to be spot-on because lowballing your budget can lead to stress and tough decisions. Meanwhile, always keep extra cash aside for those surprises. Experts recommend setting aside 10-20% of your budget for those unforeseen moments.

3. Bundle up your projects and save big

Tackling your projects in twos is a genius move, although it may initially sound counterproductive. You’re in for major wins when you bundle your projects together. Talk about saving time, cash, and keeping your stress level in check. Every renovation has its fair share of costs, like project management, permits, and fees for your construction crew. But when you roll multiple projects into one, contractors usually cut you some slack on project management costs. They can tackle tasks all over the house simultaneously instead of twiddling their thumbs, waiting for that specific amount for one space. So, it’s time to be savvy and bundle up those projects.

4. Nail down your design before you dive in

Making design decisions can be a headache, especially when revamping your old property. But putting off these choices until later can spell trouble for your wallet. It’s one thing to set your budget before you start and another to lock it in your plan, materials, and even those nitty-gritty details like outlet placements. However, nailing both can be terrific for your project.

If you delay something like moving a wall you’ve always wanted to shift, you might blow your budget on fancy exterior doors, leaving you high and dry for other important stuff like floors. This doesn’t sound like fun. So, the golden rule is to sort out your budget and design decisions beforehand. Your contractor will love you for it, and your pocket will thank you.

5. Consider using engineered wood and bamboo

When it comes to sprucing up your floors, this tip can save you a bundle and keep your space looking sleek and stylish. Engineered wood is like a magic trick for your floors. You can snag that oak, maple, or cherry hardwood look without breaking the bank. And here’s the best part – it’s super durable and can handle everything life throws. No more fretting over water spills or wear and tear. Meanwhile, experts say engineered wood is a plywood layer with a thin hardwood veneer. The best part is that you won’t need sanding or staining, and that’s a win.

6. Research and compare to score the best deals

11 Ways To Stretch Your Renovation Budget
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

While working towards making sure your budget lasts throughout the entire project, one prudent step is to research and compare but avoid rushing into buying or hiring. Take a breather and do some solid homework. Check out different suppliers, materials, and service providers in your area. Online sources, like home improvement websites and forums, are goldmines of info. They’ll give you the price lowdown and tip you off about potential money-saving hacks. But don’t stop there. Hit the local stores and showrooms to get a feel for the materials in the flesh. Talk to the pros on the floor. They have the inside scoop on quality and can answer all your questions. Don’t be shy about haggling or asking for discounts. Many suppliers will cut you a deal, especially if you’re buying some stuff. That’s a little secret to take to the negotiation table.

7. Reuse and repurpose existing items

If you’re a budget-savvy renovator, here’s a tip to help you save some money and give your home a unique touch. It’s all about reusing and repurposing what you already have. Before you hit the shops for brand-new stuff, take a moment to raid your treasure trove. These include furniture, fixtures, and decor you already own. These items might just be itching for a makeover. Start by doing a little inventory. What do you have that could use a second chance at life? Maybe that old dresser can become a chic bedroom accent piece with a fresh coat of paint and some new hardware. And those outdated light fixtures? A quick shade swap or a coat of spray paint can work wonders. Meanwhile, if you’re going the DIY route, reclaimed scaffold boards can be your go-to to get savvy with woodwork, whether for a shelf, table, or any other wooden piece. They won’t break the bank like new stuff does, as they’re a good choice for renovating on a budget.

8. Make simple yet savvy tile choices

Tile options are endless, and they can be downright mesmerizing. But before you dive headfirst into those intricate designs, check this out. Don’t get it wrong; everybody loves a good tile pattern. But the fancier the pattern, the fancier the price tag. And honestly, it can get complicated. Adding patterns means more labor and materials, which translates to more money down the drain. Instead, think about going for solid subway tiles. They’re chic, timeless, and budget-friendly. So, keep it simple, and you’ll keep that hard-earned cash right where it belongs – in your wallet!

9. Embrace your inner DIY hero

In an ideal world, you have a dream team of pros handling every inch of your renovation. But, sometimes, the budget doesn’t play nice. So, it’s time to fold your sleeves and channel your inner DIYer. This step isn’t suggesting going all-in on complex stuff, as it’s always best to leave the big-league jobs to the experts. For instance, you can handle those jobs like tearing up that old carpet or giving a room a fresh coat of paint. A little DIY action can go a long way when the purse strings are tight. Plus, there’s a certain satisfaction that comes with getting your hands dirty and seeing your hard work pay off. So, put on those overalls, grab your handy tools, and tackle those nitty-gritty tasks like champs!

10. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it

You know that temptation, the urge to walk into a room, tear it down, and start fresh. But here’s a wallet-friendly reality check: if it isn’t broken, don’t go fixing it. For example, your kitchen cabinets might not be your dream style, but you’re sitting on a goldmine if they’re solid and sturdy. Instead of spending on all-new cabinets, why not give them a fresh coat of paint and some snazzy new hardware? It’s like a budget-friendly facelift for your kitchen. Also, refining those cabinets is quick and easier than building brand-new ones from scratch. So be smart about your renovations and save those dollars for the stuff that needs a makeover.

11. Work closely with your design crew

11 Ways To Stretch Your Renovation Budget
Photo by Thirdman

When preparing and managing your renovation budget, it’s time to team up and brainstorm some cost-cutting hacks. Your contractor or builder might have a few tricks up their sleeves. Sometimes, you can achieve that grand look without the price tag. For instance, framing a 10-foot ceiling is kinder on your wallet than going for 12 feet. 10-foot ceilings still bring the wow factor and save on materials, from framing to window treatments. And your design crew is your secret weapon. Why not encourage them to flex their creative muscles and suggest budget-friendly alternatives? Let them run a value engineering exercise to find the best bang for your buck before the project begins. So it’s all about teamwork and leveraging that collective wisdom to make your renovation budget work its hardest.

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