Brit tourist among three murdered by ISIS-linked terrorists during safari holiday in Uganda, cops say

Brit tourist among three murdered by ISIS-linked terrorists during safari holiday in Uganda, cops say

A BRITISH tourist on a safari holiday in Africa is believed to be one of three people murdered by Islamic terrorists.

The group were attacked whilst touring the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda, before the holidaymaker lost their life.

ALAMYA British tourist on a safari holiday in Africa is believed to be one of three people murdered by Islamic terrorists[/caption]

Ugandan police believe that all three victims were gunned down by an Islamic terror group linked to ISIS.

The British holidaymaker, who remains unnamed, was travelling with a South African and a local taxi driver.

The car they were travelling in was found up in flames in the national park.

Ugandan police suspect that members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) – an armed group aligned with Islamic State (IS) – were behind the attack.

The group is affiliated with IS through its central African division having pledged their allegiance in mid-2019.

They have been accused of killing thousands of villagers in frequent raids over the past decade.

Police spokesman Fred Enanga tweeted: “We have registered a cowardly terrorist attack on two foreign tourists and an Ugandan in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

“The three were killed, and their safari vehicle burnt.”

A spokesperson for the Uganda Wildlife Authority said the attack took place on the outskirts of the park on Tuesday evening.

“The deceased, whose names are withheld, include an Ugandan, a UK citizen and a South African citizen,” the spokesman said.

“In response to this incident, UWA has informed the Uganda Police Force and other security agencies who are working diligently to establish the precise sequence of events leading up to this horrific incident and to identify those responsible.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims, and we share in their grief during this difficult time.”

Rebels from ADF have previously carried out attacks in the area and across the border in Congo where they have bases.

Uganda and Congo launched a joint ground and air operation against the Islamic State group in December 2021 to eliminate them from eastern Congo.

Uganda claims it has succeeded in killing more than 560 fighters and destroyed their camps.

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