Chilling final text from kidnapped Israeli Mia Shem, 21, before Hamas terrorists snatched her from festival bloodbath

Chilling final text from kidnapped Israeli Mia Shem, 21, before Hamas terrorists snatched her from festival bloodbath

THE chilling final text from an Israeli snatched during Hamas’s festival bloodbath and paraded online by the terrorists has been revealed.

Mia Shem, 21, pleaded with her friend to “save us” as the Palestinian militants descended on the Supernova festival 11 days ago and brutally massacred 260 partygoers.

InstagramMia Shem sent one final message before being taken hostage and not heard from for a week[/caption]

The 21-year-old next appeared in a sickening Hamas hostage video on Monday

ReutersShem’s mother, Karen, revealed her daughter’s final message as she begged Hamas to return ‘my baby’[/caption]

As the gunmen stormed over the border into southern Israel on paragliders and armed with grenades and machine guns, Mia sent a final haunting message to a friend.

The terrified Israeli-French citizen wrote: “They’re shooting at us. Please, come save us!”

And then there was silence from Mia.

Her heartbroken mother, Karen, who revealed the final text, said she had no idea if her daughter was still alive until she appeared in a sickening hostage video over a week later.

On Monday, Hamas released footage of a wounded Mia gazing tiredly into the camera with her arm wrapped in a sling.

In the short clip posed to Telegram, the 21-year-old explains she is being held in Gaza and begs to be released.

“They are taking care of me, giving me medicine, everything is fine,” she said in the video.

“I only ask that they bring me home as soon as possible to my parents, to my siblings. Get me out of here as soon as possible. Please.”

In response to the video, Mia’s devastated mother begged Hamas to return “my baby”.

Holding up a picture of her stolen daughter, Karen Shem said on Tuesday: “I’m begging the world to bring my baby back home.

“She only went to a party, to a festival to have some fun. And now she’s in Gaza, and she’s not the only one.

“This is a crime against humanity. We should all gather and stop this terror and bring everybody back home,” she cried at a press conference in Tel-Aviv.

Mia’s brother Eli added: “We want Mia and all the other hostages that are captured in the Gaza strip to be brought back home.

“Mia is an innocent child, who just wanted to go to a party with her friends.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has demanded Mia’s immediate and unconditional release.

Yesterday, his office denounced the “ignominy of taking innocent people hostage and their odious staging” in a video. 

Israel says that at least 199 people were taken – 50 more then previously thought – during Hamas’s surprise attack on October 7 and are being held captive in Gaza.

The terrorists stormed across Israel’s border with Gaza under the cover of rockets and unleashed pure hell in what has been dubbed Israel’s 9/11.

They slaughtered 1,300 Israelis in their homes, in the street and at the Supernova festival before dragging hostages back into Gaza.

One of those hostages is still missing 22-year-old Shani Louk, who was last seen alive in a horrifying clip that showed militants parading her naked body before spitting on it.

Her desperate grandmother Nicole Louk revealed she is willing to go to Gaza to rescue her beloved granddaughter from the hands of Hamas.

Speaking to French media, Nicole claimed: “Shani is alive, but badly injured in the head”.

Soon after, a chilling rant was sent from the phone of Shani’s missing boyfriend, Orión Hernández Radoux, 30, amid fears he too has been abducted by Hamas terrorists.

Sick texts, seen by The Sun, say “I spit on you” and “God damn you”.

They also vow to “liberate Palestine” and make it “free of Zionists”.

It comes as US President Joe Biden has arrived in Israel to show his support while the Middle East is on the brink of an all-out war after a deadly strike on a Gaza hospital killed 500 people.

He declared that Hamas brought “only suffering” to Palestinians and said 31 Americans were among the more than 1,300 Israelis killed in the October 7 attack.

Mia smiling and dancing at the Supernova festival before Hamas massacred 260 people and took her as a hostage

The horrifying scenes of festivalgoers running for their lives as Hamas gunmen targeted the trance partyTwitter

APMia’s family at a conference on Tuesday declared the taking of hostages as a ‘crime against humanity’[/caption]

TwitterThe 21-year-old’s final texts begged her friend to come and ‘save us’[/caption]

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