French cops shoot unarmed woman ‘threatening to blow herself up’ at Paris metro station

French cops shoot unarmed woman ‘threatening to blow herself up’ at Paris metro station

COPS have shot an unarmed woman in Paris for allegedly shouting terrorist slogans and threatening to blow herself up, reports say.

The victim, who has not been named, was hit by at least one bullet on Tuesday, at the height of the rush hour at the Bibliothèque François-Miterrand Metro station in the French capital.

COPS have shot an unarmed woman in a Paris metro station

“According to police, she made threats and advocated terrorism,” said an investigating source.

Armed officers arrived at the station soon after 8.30am, and the woman “threatened to blow herself up,” according to the insider.

“Fearing for their safety, the police opened fire around 9:20 a.m. She was then injured in the stomach and evacuated immediately,” they added.

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