Innocent faces of 32 children held in tunnels by Hamas as distraught parents plead with terror group to release them

Innocent faces of 32 children held in tunnels by Hamas as distraught parents plead with terror group to release them

THE desperate parents of 32 child hostages snatched by Hamas pleaded last night for the terror group to release them.

The petrified youngsters are being held underground in the 311-mile network of tunnels dubbed the Gaza Metro as Israel battles to crush the jihadists and bring them home.

The youngest hostage is Kfir Bibas, just nine monthsIan Whittaker

Ian WhittakerKfir was taken with brother Ariel, four, and mum Shiri, 32, from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz[/caption]

Ian WhittakerBeaming mum Shiri with her baby Kfir[/caption]

Mother Mayaan, 50, with her girls Dafna, left, and EllaIan Whittaker

The Sun is today publishing the names and photos of all 32 innocent kids to back the plea of their distraught families: “Please free our children.”

Who kidnaps kids? Where in the world is that the right thing to do?

Clockwise from left: Emilia Aloni, 5, Raz Katz Asher, 4, Aviv Katz Asher, 2, Ofir Engel, 17, Erez Kalderon, 12, Avigail Idan, 3, Yuval Engel, 11, Eitan Yahalomi, 12

Clockwise from left: Noam Avigdori, 12, Amit Shani, 16, Yuly Konio, 3, Sahar Kalderon, 16, Hila Rotem-Shoshani, 13, Ema Konio, 3, Tal Goldstein-Almog, 9, Agam Goldstein-Almog, 17

AN anguished mum whose two daughters were snatched by Hamas terrorists asked last night in disbelief: “Who kidnaps children?”

Dafna Eyakim, 15, and her sister Ella, eight, were among 32 child hostages — one just nine months old — taken in the bloodthirsty raid on Israel on October 7.

Mother Mayaan, 50, laid bare her desperation as a photo emerged of her tearful girls on mattresses in a tunnel under Gaza.

It was published on social media channel Telegram by Hamas with the Arabic message: “Dress them in prayer clothes” — a taunt as they are in pyjamas.

It is a horrific image for any parent, but Mayaan was desperate for The Sun to publish it to highlight the hostages’ ordeal.

The divorcee told how the girls had gone to stay with their dad near the Gaza border to celebrate the 17th anniversary of his kibbutz, Nahal Oz.

Tragically, the dad, his new partner and her teenage son were all killed, while the two girls were taken to Gaza.

Airport worker Mayaan asked: “Who kidnaps children? Where in the world is that the right thing to do?

“Hamas should have released them all on day one. The kids have not done anything to anyone.

“They are not soldiers, they are not related to any conflict.

“You do not abduct babies and children. My two are wonderful, sweet girls who love TikTok and Snapchat and I want them home.”

The terrified youngsters are in a 311-mile network of tunnels dubbed the Gaza Metro.

The Sun today publishes the names and photos of all 32 children as their frantic families beg for them to be freed.

Among the innocent faces, Yuly Konio, three, flashes a cute smile while Nave Shoham, eight, shows off his quiff.

The oldest are five 17-year-olds on the verge of adulthood and the youngest is Kfir Bibas, just nine months and beginning to crawl.

He was taken with brother Ariel, four, and mum Shiri, 32, from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz. 

A video emerged of terrified Shiri clinging on to her boys surrounded by gunmen. 

The accountant’s family asked The Sun to release the clip again and said: “Publish for the whole world to see.”

Photos also emerged of Shiri’s husband Yarden, 34, being led away bleeding from the head after being hit with a hammer. Relatives do not know if the welder is with his wife or being held on his own.

His occupational therapist sister Ofri Bibas Levy, 37, said: “Ariel loves tractors and motorbikes, always running off and wanting to climb.

“Kfir is always smiling and laughing and wants to hug you all the time. He’d just started crawling. It is inconceivable anyone would take a baby as hostage.”

International aid agencies and charities backed calls to free them. The International Committee of the Red Cross said families are “worried sick.”

It added: “The ICRC has made repeated requests to visit the hostages so we can check on their well-being.”

A total of 240 hostages were taken in the Hamas rampage. Four have been freed and a woman soldier was rescued.

US hostage expert Danielle Gilbert said taking kids is rare. She went on: “Holding on to someone vulnerable and not predisposed to surviving in those conditions will make the kidnappers’ job more difficult. 

“It remains to be seen whether Hamas intended to take this wide a range.”

Clockwise from left: Gal Goldstein-Almog, 11, Ofri Brodutch, 10, Gani Yahel Shohami, 3, Noam Or, 17, Or Yaakov, 17, Yuval Brodutch, 8, Ariel Bibas, 4, Kfir Bibas, 9 months

Clockwise from left: Mia Leimberg, 17, Dafna Eyakim, 15, Yagil Yaakov, 13, Uriah Brodutch, 4, Nave Shoham, 8, Alma Or, 13, Zachri Ohad Munder, 9, Ella Eyakim, 8

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