Hamburg Airport hostage situation: Flights halted after gunman ‘rammed through gate with daughter, 4, & fired into air’

Hamburg Airport hostage situation: Flights halted after gunman ‘rammed through gate with daughter, 4, & fired into air’

GERMAN police are dealing with a suspected hostage situation involving a child at Hamburg Airport, according to local authorities.

The airport closed for all takeoffs and landings on Saturday evening, and remains closed today.

EPAParts of a destroyed barrier are removed form a gate at the airport in Hamburg[/caption]

GettyOfficers of German BFE police unit stand as passengers are evacuated on Sunday[/caption]

APPolice guard at the scene of the security breach[/caption]

Police arrived in large numbers last night as a man, 35, drove an Audi through a security gate onto the grounds of the airport with a four-year-old girl inside.

He ploughed through the airport barrier about 8pm local time, fired a weapon twice, then threw two burning bottles out of the vehicle, federal police said.

A police spokesperson posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday: “The operation continues.

“Our negotiators are in contact with the person in the car.”

The suspect’s wife is reported to have alleged a possible child abduction before the incident.

Police said the child’s mother had told them the father had been in contact with her, but would not confirm their earlier statements that the man was armed and had fired shots.

They said they assumed the 35-year-old man was the father of the child, and that the child had been taken by force from the mother in a possible custody battle, the Daily Mail reports.

Negotiations between the man and police continued into the early hours of this morning.

Hamburg Police shared to X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday morning: “Negotiations will continue. The operational situation continues.

“Traffic measures around @HamburgAirport are still required.

“Entering the airport is not possible.”

Earlier, it confirmed its negotiating group had made contact “with the person in the car”.

Passengers and those collecting them were advised not to go to the airport, as access roads were blocked off.

Hamburg Police said on Saturday night: “There is currently a major police operation on the tarmac at @HamburgAirport.

“We are on site with a large contingent of emergency services.

“We are currently assuming a static hostage situation.”

No one is understood to have been injured, police said.

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