Ukrainian kamikaze drone boats blitz two Russian ships in incredible first-person footage in latest blow to Putin

Ukrainian kamikaze drone boats blitz two Russian ships in incredible first-person footage in latest blow to Putin

TWO Russian assault boats with crew on board have been destroyed by Ukrainian kamikaze drones in Crimea.

The ships were reportedly also carrying loaded armoured vehicles, including personnel carrier BTR-82.

The Russians are also alleged to have had Tor-M2 air defence systems on board the boats, for mobile cover of their group on the island and in the Black Sea.

Ukrainian media outlet TSN news wrote on messaging platform Telegram on Friday morning: “As a result of a night operation on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea, small landing ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation were damaged by soldiers.

“We are talking about boats of project 11770 (of the “Serna” class).”

It alleged the small amphibious boats, actively used by Russia during the occupation of Zmiiny Island to transfer military equipment and landing craft, were carrying a crew and loaded armoured vehicles.

Dramatic black and white footage showed the moment alleged Ukrainian kamikaze drones hit the Russian Navy craft near Crimea.

A ship can be seen in the aim sight of a gun camera before a huge explosion goes off and destroys it.

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