Touching moment Israeli Air Force pilot radios Hamas-fighting son from the air to say ‘good luck and I love you’

Touching moment Israeli Air Force pilot radios Hamas-fighting son from the air to say ‘good luck and I love you’

ISRAEL has revealed a touching call between a fighter pilot and his soldier son inside Gaza.

The father and son had only words of love for one another over the radio as they faced different battles on the frontlines of Israel’s war against Hamas.

X/Twitter/@IDFThe fighter pilot father was desperately searching for his son on the radio channels[/caption]

X/Twitter/@IDFThe father makes sure to tell his son he loves him and he was proud[/caption]

RexThe iDF say they are engaged in ‘significant battles’ with Hamas in Gaza City[/caption]

This morning, Israel Defence Forces released the moving call made within the chaos of a warzone.

“This is the recorded message of an IAF Pilot as he speaks to his son, a soldier in the IDF Armored Corps, while they both operate in Gaza.”

It opens with a pilot desperately trying to get through to the right radio line to find his son’s battalion.

Finally, he manages to get him on the line and his totally baffled son asks: “How did you find me on the coms?”

“It took me a couple of minutes to find you, but I kept looking,” the father replies as he continues to fly his fighter jet.

His son responds from his tank: “Nice to hear from you, are you flying from above us?”

“Positive, I’m to your north,” the pilot said, to which his son replied: “You will soon hear the explosions from our tanks.”

“Sounds like you’re busy. Good luck to you all,” the father said warmly over the static.

His son asks: “What about an ‘I love you’?”

“Proud of you and love you,” the dad shoots back.

Before the recording cuts out, the soldier said: “Thank you so much and see you home.”

Meanwhile, the Instagram account of an Israeli soldier has been turned into a moving memorial after he was killed fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Staff Sgt. Lavi Lipshitz, 20, from Modiin, was a talented photographer who kept an online photo diary, posting one snap a day to chronicle his life as a soldier.

His last ever pic was on October 6 – the day before war began.

And the last time his family had any contact was the day before the ground invasion was launched.

His heartbroken family invited The Sun to speak to them as they mourned the loss of a “wonderful, kind loving son”.

His father, Nitzan, said: “Although he paid the ultimate price and is not here any more [it] is a great comfort, knowing he helped others in their hour of need.”

It comes as Israel says it killed a Hamas commander who held a thousand terrified Palestinian civilians hostage inside a children’s hospital.

The IDF said they ordered a successful fighter jet strike on Ahmed Siam, the terror commander of Hamas’s Nasser-Radwan company.

Two days ago, Siam reportedly attempted to trap some 1,000 Palestinians inside the Al-Rantisi children’s hospital in northern Gaza.

“Ahmed Siam demonstrates once again that Hamas uses the civilians of the Gaza Strip as human shields for terror purposes,” the IDF said in a statement.

At the same time, Israeli troops were engaged in “significant battles with Hamas terrorists” inside the dense and ruinous hellscape of Gaza City.

The IDF reported that two brigades of tanks and infantry have been carrying out risky raids in the southern part of Gaza City’s Sheikh Ijlin neighbourhood.

It has been five weeks since Hamas launched their bloody cross-border killing spree and slaughtered 1,200 mostly civilians, and dragged over 200 hostages back into Gaza.

In retaliation, Israel began a relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip and launched a ground offensive that forced 1.6million Palestinians to flee their homes.

IDF troops and tanks now have Gaza City surrounded and are going neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood destroying Hamas targets.

Huge swaths of Gaza have been reduced to rubble as hospitals face power cuts and food, fuel and water are nearing empty as a result of Israel’s siege.

So far, more than 11,000 people – including 4,500 children – are said to have been killed, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry.

Israel faced growing calls today to protect civilians in Gaza as combat with Hamas intensified around hospitals, which are largely filled with Palestinians seeking refuge from the carnage.

ReutersA huge explosion is seen today in the aftermath of an Israeli strike on Gaza[/caption]

GettyA mass grave is built inside Gaza for victims of Israeli air strikes[/caption]

GettyOver 11,000 Palestinians – including 4,000 children – have reportedly been killed in Gaza so far[/caption]

AFP1.6million Gazans have been forced to flee their homes[/caption]

ReutersInside the hellish landscape of bomb-blitzed northern Gaza[/caption]

ReutersThe IDf say they wiped out a senior Hamas commander who was holding a children’s hospital hostage[/caption]

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