Scores of hostages could be freed within days after US ‘brokers deal between Israel and Hamas for five-day ceasefire’

Scores of hostages could be freed within days after US ‘brokers deal between Israel and Hamas for five-day ceasefire’

SCORES of hostages could be released within days after the US reportedly brokered a deal between Israel and Hamas for a five-day ceasefire in Gaza.

The captives would be released in groups of about 50 every 24 hours after a week of back-channel talks in the Qatari capital Doha.

The Washington Post said that the first hostages could be freed ‘within the next several days’ amid reports of a US-brokered five-day ceasefire in GazaPolaris Images

A report in the Washington Post said the first could be freed “within the next several days — barring last-minute hitches”.

It is not known how many of the 239 people believed to be held by Hamas would be released.

However, it is thought the terror group will keep a large number to use as human shields.

If it goes ahead, it would be the first pause in the conflict, which has claimed around 15,000 lives in Gaza after Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis on October 7.

Aerial surveillance will monitor the 25-mile coastal strip to police the ceasefire.

But Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu today denied any deal was in place — dismissing “a lot of incorrect reports” about an imminent breakthrough.

Thousands marched in Jerusalem yesterday demanding that the hostages are brought home.

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