Hamas will use ceasefire to regroup & hide warlords… war is far from over, warns Brit general who helped beat ISIS

Hamas will use ceasefire to regroup & hide warlords… war is far from over, warns Brit general who helped beat ISIS

A BRITISH ex-general has warned Hamas could exploit the ceasefire deal with Israel, which will see the release of 50 hostages.

Retired major general Rupert Jones – one of key people to destroy ISIS – said Hamas could use the four-day pause to regroup and “slip away” terror bosses into hiding.

The SunRetired Major General Rupert Jones, one of key people to destroy ISIS, said Hamas could exploit the ceasefire to ‘slip away’ terror chiefs[/caption]

ReutersIsrael approved a ceasefire deal with Hamas which will see the release of 50 hostages[/caption]

ReutersThe military expert said Hamas terrorists could also benefit from the lack of Israeli aerial surveillance over Gaza[/caption]

Israel on Wednesday approved a ceasefire deal with Hamas which would bring a four-day pause to fighting and free 50 hostages.

The first major diplomatic breakthrough comes after intense negotiations following weeks of an all-out war.

The Brit ex-general said the truce, set to begin tomorrow, is a “very good thing” and “has to be progress”.

However, Jones stressed that the logistic details of a handover of hostages can impose a few challenges to the IDF as the war is “far from over”.

When asked if a ceasefire could stall Israeli progress in Gaza, the military expert told The Sun Online: ” I think the military commands will absolutely understand the necessity [of a ceasefire to release hostages].

“They’ve been running a twin track military operation: part of it is about destroying Hamas; the other part is getting hostages back.

“And getting 50 hostages back will be a will be a great thing for the military commanders.”

He added: “Nonetheless, they will feel they’re losing a bit of momentum.”

Jones explained that at the same time that a ceasefire gives the IDF a chance to take stock, rest and re-consolidate, the same time can be cleverly used by Hamas.

He said: “It equally gives the enemy Hamas the opportunity to do the same, and they [IDF] will be worried that Hamas will exploit this to reposition and to slip away anybody they want.”

The lack of Israeli aerial surveillance over the besieged enclave during the ceasefire period could also be a concern to the IDF, the military expert added.

Jones went on to say that the war is far from over as Israeli troops have a long way to go to eliminate Hamas.

“They cannot even begin to claim to have eliminated Hamas yet,” he said.

“They’ve certainly called some attrition to Hamas, but there’s no way their stated military objective is close to being achieved yet.”

Under the deal, Hamas is to free 50 of the roughly 240 hostages it is holding in the Gaza Strip over a four-day period, the Israeli government said on Wednesday.

After weeks of negotiations through mediator Qatar, the Israeli Prime Minister’s cabinet approved the truce today after a near-all-night meeting, in which he told ministers this was a “difficult decision but it’s a right decision.”

But Benjamin Netanyahu was adamant Israel‘s mission remains the same and vowed the offensive will continue once the ceasefire expires.

He said: “We are at war and we will continue the war until we achieve all our goals.

“To destroy Hamas, return all our hostages and ensure that no entity in Gaza can threaten Israel.”

Under the agreement around 12 hostages are set to be released per day in phases – mostly of Israeli citizenship.

The agreed truce also sparked fresh hope for the release of nine-year-old Emily Hand as dozens of snatched children are set to be freed tomorrow.

Distressed families have been left in agonising wait for the return of their loved ones after the ceasefire deal – which sees the release of 50 hostages- was approved.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told Army Radio the process of the process of recovering the hostages is expected to start tomorrow.

Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk confirmed the ceasefire will come into effect tomorrow adding that the the majority of those who will be released hold foreign nationalities.

The IDF said approximately 40 children are believed to be held captive by the terror group since the October 7 massacre.

Among them is Irish-Israeli Emily who was abducted from bed during a sleepover at a friend’s house in Be’eri Kibbutz.

Her devastated family threw her an emotional birthday party last week, as her dad broke down in tears and said he’s praying for the return of his daughter.

Israeli families welcomed the deal but vowed to fight “until everyone comes back.”

Hadas Kalderon whose daughter Sahar, 16, son Erez, 12 and their father Ofer were kidnapped by Hamas fighters from Kibbutz Nir Oz told the Israel Times: “We want them all back, I will fight to the end until everyone comes back.”

GettyYahya Sinwar, pictured in a meeting with members of Palestinian groups in April, is one of Hamas’ chiefs in Gaza[/caption]

APThe ex-general said the ceasefire could give Israeli troops the chance to take stock, rest and re-consolidate[/caption]

APPalestinians search for survivors of the Israeli bombing in Rafah on November 22 ahead of the four-day truce[/caption]

AFPThe IDF had been conducting a ground offensive in Gaza[/caption]

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