Crocodiles roam the streets of Australia after Cyclone Jasper floods whole neighbourhoods and sinks planes at airport

Crocodiles roam the streets of Australia after Cyclone Jasper floods whole neighbourhoods and sinks planes at airport

THE FLASH floods unleashed by storm Jasper have been wreaking havoc in Queensland in more ways than one.

A 9ft beast of a crocodile was spotted swimming through a swollen drain, while an even larger croc terrified locals when they saw it lurking in murky floodwaters further East.

AFPA 9ft saltwater crocodile was spotted in a swollen drain[/caption]

AFPPlanes were submerged by floodwater at Cairns airport[/caption]

The 9ft saltwater crocodile was eventually captured after a wildlife officer arrived at the scene and managed to harpoon it.

Several crocodiles have also been seen in northern Queensland – where the evacuation of 300 residents had to be called off due to worsening weather conditions.

Community resident Dallas Walker said the entire community had been affected by the overflowing river water.

She said: “[The town is] submerged in like, dirty water, debris just everywhere. There’s a lot of mud. And it’s croc-infested waters as well.”

While the community’s council CEO, Kiley Hanslow, emphasised the risk that this posed to her community.

She said: “When the water gets as high as what it’s getting there is the opportunity of crocodiles moving.

“So there is a high risk [to] people when walking through water.”

The town of Cairns was hit by 24 inches of rain over a 40 hour period – more than triple the average for this month.

All flights had to be cancelled and the airport was closed after planes were trapped under a sea of water on the runway.

Water pumps were immediately put to work on draining the masses of water, but they have been unable to keep up with the volume of water so far.

Queensland Premier Steven Miles told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that is flooding is “about the worst I can remember.

“I have been talking to Cairns locals on the ground… and they say they have never seen anything like it.

“For someone from far north Queensland to say that, that is really saying something.”

Just under 15,000 homes have been left without electricity, and many Queensland residents have been gathering on roofs awaiting rescue boats.

More than 300 people were rescued by the Australian Defence Forces overnight, but dozens more have been left on roofs hoping to be rescued soon.

No deaths have been reported so far, and there have been no reports of any missing people.

However, the intense rainfall is expected to continue for at least another 24 hours.

Rivers across Queensland are yet to reach their highest point, and will remain swollen for days.

In fact, several rivers are set to break records that were set during the most intense flooding Queensland had experienced prior to this disaster.

Australian state officials have estimated that repairing the effects of storm Jasper will end up costing them over AUS$1 billion (£529 million).

The Queensland Fire and Emergency Service said the impact of the storm could be felt much further, however.

It said: “Every year tropical cyclones impact Queensland communities producing dangerous and destructive high winds, heavy rainfall, flash flooding and storm surges.

“Tropical cyclones can last for many days before finally ending over land or cold oceans.

“The wind and rain that comes with them can affect far further than where the cyclone lands.”

Queensland was last hit by a tropical cyclone nearly two years ago, with two deaths amid devastating flooding when Cyclone Seth struck in January 2022.

AFPThe 9ft croc was captured but at least a dozen others are still roaming Queensland[/caption]

AFPThis is the worst flooding Queensland residents have seen since the 1970s[/caption]

SWNSA Queensland highway has been completely submerged[/caption]

EPAThe Australian Defence Forces have been deployed to help rescue Queensland residents[/caption]

AFP300 people have been rescued so far, but hundreds more need to be[/caption]

ReutersOther roads have been split in half[/caption]

AFPResidents have also been warned to be careful whilst wading through floodwater, due to the crocodile risk[/caption]

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