Israel kills ANOTHER top Hezbollah commander at funeral for warlord assassinated 24 hours earlier

Israel kills ANOTHER top Hezbollah commander at funeral for warlord assassinated 24 hours earlier

ANOTHER senior Hezbollah commander has been assassinated in an Israeli strike in Lebanon.

Ali Hussien Barji, the leader of Hezbollah’s aerial forces, was struck in Khirbet Selm during the funeral of the terror group’s commander Wissam al-Tawil who was killed 24 hours ago.

Israel has killed another top Hezbollah commander in a strike in Lebanon

The IDF reportedly blew up his car in the strike

APHe was present at the funeral procession of  Wissam al-Tawi[/caption]

APal Tawi was killed less than 24 hours ago[/caption]

Barji was present at the funeral procession when his car was blown up.

He was responsible for dozens of drone attacks on the northern Israeli border in recent months – including today’s strike on the IDF Northern Command HQ in Safed.

The IDF has not issued an official comment on the strike.

Less than 24 hours ago, the IDF killed Wissam al-Tawi, a leader in the Radwan force, in a drone strike in southern Lebanon.

Israel had accused al-Tawi of masterminding the weekend strike on an IDF base.

The Israeli hit job targeted the terror boss’ car in the border town of Hirbat Salem in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah later confirmed that al-Tawil had been killed in the attack.

Recently uncovered footage shows the Hezbollah commander having a seemingly close relationship with Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who was assassinated by the US in 2020.

The Israeli hit job targeted the terror boss’ car in southern Lebanon

The burnt wreckage of the dead commander’s car yesterday

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