Putin’s top stooge warns of the ‘end of everything’ in nuclear apocalypse if Britain and the West threaten Russia

Putin’s top stooge warns of the ‘end of everything’ in nuclear apocalypse if Britain and the West threaten Russia

CONTINUED talk among Western leaders about the threat of war from Russia will lead to “the end of everything”, according to Putin’s top stooge.

Ex-president Dmitry Medvedev claimed Nato and European leaders including Rishi Sunak would be to blame for the nuclear “apocalypse”.

East2WestEx-president and deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev[/caption]

East2WestMedvedev, right, is a close ally of dictator Vladimir Putin[/caption]

Medvedev’s chilling threats followed warnings in the West – including in the UK, Germany, France, Norway, Finland, and Poland – about the potential for Russia to expand its attacks beyond Ukraine‘s borders, which would force Nato to join the war.

Civilians around the globe are now bracing themselves for an escalation which could trigger World War Three.

The deputy head of Russia’s security council said via Telegram: “Although Russia has repeatedly spoken about the absence of plans for conflict with NATO and EU countries, extremely dangerous chatter on this topic continues.

“All European leaders cynically lie to their citizens. If, God forbid, such a war happens, it will not go according to the scenario [as in Ukraine].

“It will not be carried out in the trenches using artillery, armoured vehicles, drones and electronic warfare equipment.”

Medvedev, president from 2008 to 2012, added that the population of Nato countries combined was almost one billion, so the alliance’s total military budget could exceed the equivalent of £1.1trillion.

To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used

Dmitry Medvedevex-president and Putin ally

He explained: “Therefore, due to the lack of comparison of our military potentials, we simply will have no choice. The answer will be asymmetrical.

“To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used.

“This is based on our doctrinal military documents and is well known to everyone.

“And this is the very notorious Apocalypse. The end of everything.”

In the two years since Russian president Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, his henchmen have repeatedly stated Russia is not at war with Ukraine, but with Nato.

Medvedev is the latest to threaten the West, telling politicians they should stop treating their voters like “brainless idiots” and explain the “bitter truth” of how Russia’s war in Ukraine could evolve.

He claimed it was “obvious” why Western leaders were repeating the “false mantra” of having to prepare for a war with Russia.

The ex-president professed: “It is necessary to divert the attention of voters in order to justify multi-billion dollar spending on Bandera’s hateful Ukraine.

“After all, huge amounts of money are not spent on solving social problems in these states, but on a war in a dying country that is foreign to taxpayers, whose population has fled across Europe and is terrorising local residents.

“Therefore, every day the leaders of these countries broadcast: we need to prepare for war with Russia and continue to help Ukraine, and we need to produce more tanks, shells, drones and other weapons.”

Last month, Medvedev vowed that Russia will “do everything so that … our enemies disappear from the face of the earth forever”.

He also warned in October that any British soldiers training inside Ukraine would be “ruthlessly destroyed” by Russian forces.

Meanwhile, the chief of Nato‘s military committee Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer has called on the West to “prepare for an era of war”, claiming Nato “needs a warfighting transformation”.

East2WestMedvedev warned that ‘dangerous chatter’ among the West about the threat of war from Russia could lead to ‘the end of everything’[/caption]

The latest on the Ukraine war

AFTER almost two years, the war in Ukraine continues to rumble on as fears of an all-out World War Three between Russia and the West keep on going.

Since the beginning of the war, Russia has lost approximately 385,230 personnel, 6,310 tanks, and 11,757 armoured combat vehicles, Ukrainian army officials said.

Putin’s army also reportedly lost 9,195 artillery units, 974 multiple launch rocket systems, 663 air defence systems, 332 warplanes, and 324 helicopters.

The list goes on – 7,100 drones, 1,846 cruise missiles, 23 warships, 1 submarine, 12,231 motor vehicles and fuel tankers, and 1,452 units of special equipment.

As the tyrant is estimated to have seen more than 300,000 troops died since he declared war in February 2022.

Last week, Ukraine claimed to have sunk a Russian warship – with 50 sailors on board – using kamikaze sea drones.

Footage shared by Ukraine’s ministry of defence showed the dramatic moment its boats sped toward Putin’s £55million Black Sea missile ship “Ivanovets” and sent it up in flames.

In another major scalp for Ukraine, two of Putin’s most crucial spy planes worth £290million were shot down last month.

One of the Russian dictator’s £260million spy planes disappeared and a £30million bomber jet was set on fire after Ukrainian forces shot them out of the sky above the Azov Sea.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is set to receive their first large batch of long-range missiles built by Boeing and Saab.

The missiles will extend its range deep into Russian-held territory and will supplement its US-provided ATACM rockets.

However, despite Ukraine’s success Russia has no plans to slow down in their assaults.

Earlier this week, Putin gathered 40,000 troops, 500 tanks and hundreds of howitzer artillery guns to unleash hell on Kupyansk.

On January 15, a leaked military report revealed Putin’s possible step-by-step plan to bring the West to the brink of World War 3.

The secret docs detail the despot’s possible “path to conflict” which reaches its climax in the summer of 2025 on “Day X” when half a million Nato and Russian soldiers will face each other.

According to reports, Putin is desperate to secure a significant victory before the rubber-stamp elections in March that are all but certain to secure his brutal reign over Russia until at least 2030.

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