Twisted Handmaid’s Tale-style Russian plot to turn 45k female convicts into baby factories to feed Putin’s war machine

Twisted Handmaid’s Tale-style Russian plot to turn 45k female convicts into baby factories to feed Putin’s war machine

A TWISTED Russian plot to turn 45,000 female convicts into baby-making machines aims to create more future soldiers for Putin’s war.

The disturbing scheme – echoing the dystopian Handmaid’s Tale – would see prisoners in Russian jails temporarily freed so they can get pregnant.

The twisted plot sees 45,000 women being temporarily freed to get pregnant

The scheme resembles The Handmaid’s Tales in which women are forced to get pregnant by a brutal regime

East2WestThe disturbing plot is an idea of Russian State Duma Deputy Valery Seleznev[/caption]

Women are forced to bear children under a totalitarian regime in the Republic of Gilead in the popular drama series based on Margaret Attwood’s novel.

In Russia, the “insane” plot would require women to be released for weeks in order to get pregnant.

Should they be successful, the rest of their jail sentence would be wiped with a pardon from Vladimir Putin

But if they fail, they would be hauled back to their cells in grim penal colonies. 

The sinister plot is the brainchild of Valery Seleznev, the deputy in the Russian State Duma.

Meanwhile another MP suggested the state should buy babies from women who might otherwise have an abortion.

It comes amid plans to boost the plummeting Russian birthrate – which has taken a significant toll due to Putin’s cruel war in Ukraine

Seleznev, 59, a dad-of-four, sees the plan as the equivalent of Putin having freed and pardoned tens of thousands of hardened male criminals – including murderers and rapists – to fight in Ukraine. 

The MP claims there are up to 45,000 female convicts potentially “able to give birth to children”.

He explained: “The state can offer them a kind of deal in which a woman’s prison sentence time is interrupted and if she gives birth during such ‘leave’, the rest of the prison time is cancelled.”

They would be allowed out of jail for several weeks to find a sexual partner in a bid to counter the 555,000 fall in the Russian population in the first year of Putin’s war.

While many families were too nervous to start or increase their families, men were sent to the front-facing slaughter at an alarming rate. 

The controversial MP claimed that “the highest goal and destiny of a woman is to create a family and give birth to children”.

For this reason with Russia’s birth rate, “we are simply obliged” to allow them to redeem themselves by giving birth.

The Kremlin should give the opportunity “to each of those who have stumbled in life and committed a domestic crime or petty theft to take the highest, and not just a formal, path of correction”, said Seleznev.

“Let’s speak frankly – we gave such an opportunity to men, based on the same principles of the highest atonement – the readiness to give their lives for the Motherland, leaving prisons earlier to fight against the terrible enemy in the Special Military Operation.

“Why do we deprive women of the opportunity to atone for their guilt?

“We don’t need women to give their lives in [the war]. 

“But we urgently need to solve the main problem of our country’s future, which, having undoubtedly gained victory….risks sliding into a demographic hole that threatens its existence. 

“And a woman can and should not give her own life, but give a life to her children.”

The MP said that “many women, having gone on such a ‘vacation’ to freedom, in an effort to [get pregnant] will not only give birth to children, but will also try to create a strong family. 

“Having learned the complexities of life, they can become wonderful mothers and faithful wives for their men.

“And if these women start families, perhaps with veterans and disabled people coming back from [the war], this will be the very atonement worthy of early forgiveness.”

The blueprint was branded “insane” by Russian human rights defender Human rights Eva Merkacheva.

She expressed outrage that a woman was being pushed to quickly just find someone “like an animal,  without love, affection and long-term prospects”.

She questioned whether under the plan the women would be expected to give birth in jail before release.

“It seems to me that the idea of releasing women who have committed minor crimes would be more correct,” she said.

“Help them socialise, and they themselves will find the person they love and start a family themselves. 

“This way the birth rate will naturally increase.”

Russia is actively making abortions harder to get, with several regions banning them in private clinics. 

Another MP Sultan Khamzaev proposed buying children from Russian women by offering them money in exchange for a refusal to have an abortion. 

Children born this way could be raised by the state, he said. 

The initiative outraged the politician’s colleagues. 

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on family, women and Children Nina Ostanina called the idea immoral. 

“Children are not puppies,” she said. 

East2WestPrisoners would be sent back to jail if they don’t get pregnant[/caption]

East2WestMP Sultan Khamzaev suggested buying children from Russian women[/caption]

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